CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.2.3.


File Line
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModletProcessor.java 162
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModletValidator.java 116
    public DefaultModletProcessor()

     * Gets a flag indicating the processor is enabled by default.
     * <p>
     * The default enabled flag is controlled by system property
     * {@code org.jomc.modlet.DefaultModletProcessor.defaultEnabled} holding a value indicating the processor is
     * enabled by default. If that property is not set, the {@code true} default is returned.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code true}, if the processor is enabled by default; {@code false}, if the processor is disabled by
     * default.
     * @see #isEnabled()
     * @see #setDefaultEnabled(java.lang.Boolean)
    public static boolean isDefaultEnabled()
        if ( defaultEnabled == null )
            defaultEnabled = Boolean.valueOf( System.getProperty(
                DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME, Boolean.toString( DEFAULT_ENABLED ) ) );


        return defaultEnabled;

     * Sets the flag indicating the processor is enabled by default.
     * @param value The new value of the flag indicating the processor is enabled by default or {@code null}.
     * @see #isDefaultEnabled()
    public static void setDefaultEnabled( final Boolean value )
        defaultEnabled = value;

     * Gets a flag indicating the processor is enabled.
     * @return {@code true}, if the processor is enabled; {@code false}, if the processor is disabled.
     * @see #isDefaultEnabled()
     * @see #setEnabled(java.lang.Boolean)
    public final boolean isEnabled()
        if ( this.enabled == null )
            this.enabled = isDefaultEnabled();

        return this.enabled;

     * Sets the flag indicating the processor is enabled.
     * @param value The new value of the flag indicating the processor is enabled or {@code null}.
     * @see #isEnabled()
    public final void setEnabled( final Boolean value )
        this.enabled = value;

     * Gets the default ordinal number of the processor.
     * <p>
     * The default ordinal number is controlled by system property
     * {@code org.jomc.modlet.DefaultModletProvider.defaultOrdinal} holding the default ordinal number of the processor.
     * If that property is not set, the {@code 0} default is returned.
     * </p>
     * @return The default ordinal number of the processor.
     * @see #setDefaultOrdinal(java.lang.Integer)
    public static int getDefaultOrdinal()
        if ( defaultOrdinal == null )
            defaultOrdinal = Integer.getInteger( DEFAULT_ORDINAL_PROPERTY_NAME, DEFAULT_ORDINAL );

        return defaultOrdinal;

     * Sets the default ordinal number of the processor.
     * @param value The new default ordinal number of the processor or {@code null}.
     * @see #getDefaultOrdinal()
    public static void setDefaultOrdinal( final Integer value )
        defaultOrdinal = value;

     * Gets the ordinal number of the processor.
     * @return The ordinal number of the processor.
     * @see #getDefaultOrdinal()
     * @see #setOrdinal(java.lang.Integer)
    public final int getOrdinal()
        if ( this.ordinal == null )
            this.ordinal = getDefaultOrdinal();

        return this.ordinal;

     * Sets the ordinal number of the processor.
     * @param value The new ordinal number of the processor or {@code null}.
     * @see #getOrdinal()
    public final void setOrdinal( final Integer value )
        this.ordinal = value;
File Line
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModelContext.java 1843
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModelContext.java 2035
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "model=" + model + ", publicId=" + publicId.toASCIIString() );

            StringBuilder packageNames = null;
            final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();

            if ( schemas != null )
                packageNames = new StringBuilder( schemas.getSchema().size() * 25 );

                for ( final Schema schema : schemas.getSchema() )
                    if ( schema.getContextId() != null )
                        packageNames.append( ':' ).append( schema.getContextId() );

            if ( packageNames == null || packageNames.length() == 0 )
                if ( model != null )
                    throw new ModelException( getMessage( "missingSchemasForModel", model ) );
                if ( publicId != null )
                    throw new ModelException( getMessage( "missingSchemasForPublicId", publicId ) );

            final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( packageNames.substring( 1 ), this.getClassLoader() );
File Line
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModletProcessor.java 162
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModletProvider.java 201
org/jomc/modlet/DefaultModletValidator.java 116
    public DefaultModletProcessor()

     * Gets a flag indicating the processor is enabled by default.
     * <p>
     * The default enabled flag is controlled by system property
     * {@code org.jomc.modlet.DefaultModletProcessor.defaultEnabled} holding a value indicating the processor is
     * enabled by default. If that property is not set, the {@code true} default is returned.
     * </p>
     * @return {@code true}, if the processor is enabled by default; {@code false}, if the processor is disabled by
     * default.
     * @see #isEnabled()
     * @see #setDefaultEnabled(java.lang.Boolean)
    public static boolean isDefaultEnabled()
        if ( defaultEnabled == null )
            defaultEnabled = Boolean.valueOf( System.getProperty(
                DEFAULT_ENABLED_PROPERTY_NAME, Boolean.toString( DEFAULT_ENABLED ) ) );


        return defaultEnabled;

     * Sets the flag indicating the processor is enabled by default.
     * @param value The new value of the flag indicating the processor is enabled by default or {@code null}.
     * @see #isDefaultEnabled()
    public static void setDefaultEnabled( final Boolean value )
        defaultEnabled = value;

     * Gets a flag indicating the processor is enabled.
     * @return {@code true}, if the processor is enabled; {@code false}, if the processor is disabled.
     * @see #isDefaultEnabled()
     * @see #setEnabled(java.lang.Boolean)
    public final boolean isEnabled()
        if ( this.enabled == null )
            this.enabled = isDefaultEnabled();

        return this.enabled;

     * Sets the flag indicating the processor is enabled.
     * @param value The new value of the flag indicating the processor is enabled or {@code null}.
     * @see #isEnabled()
    public final void setEnabled( final Boolean value )
        this.enabled = value;

     * Gets the default ordinal number of the processor.
     * <p>
     * The default ordinal number is controlled by system property
     * {@code org.jomc.modlet.DefaultModletProvider.defaultOrdinal} holding the default ordinal number of the processor.
     * If that property is not set, the {@code 0} default is returned.
     * </p>
     * @return The default ordinal number of the processor.
     * @see #setDefaultOrdinal(java.lang.Integer)
    public static int getDefaultOrdinal()