CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 5.2.3.


File Line
org/jomc/ant/MergeModletsTask.java 510
org/jomc/ant/MergeModulesTask.java 468
                                                                                 urls[i].toExternalForm() ) );


                        suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
                    catch ( final SocketTimeoutException e )
                        String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                        message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceTimeout", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                        if ( resource.isOptional() )
                            this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                            throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
                    catch ( final IOException e )
                        String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                        message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceFailure", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                        if ( resource.isOptional() )
                            this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                            throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
                            if ( in != null )
                        catch ( final IOException e )
                            if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                                this.logMessage( Level.SEVERE, Messages.getMessage( e ), e );
                                throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );

                suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

            for ( final String defaultExclude : classLoader.getModletExcludes() )
File Line
org/jomc/ant/MergeModletsTask.java 645
org/jomc/ant/MergeModulesTask.java 612
            marshaller.marshal( new ObjectFactory().createModlet( mergedModlet ), this.getModletFile() );
            suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
        catch ( final URISyntaxException e )
            throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
            if ( message == null )
                message = Messages.getMessage( e.getLinkedException() );

            throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final TransformerConfigurationException e )
            throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final TransformerException e )
            throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.logMessage( Level.SEVERE, Messages.getMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );

     * Tests inclusion of a given modlet based on property {@code modletIncludes}.
     * @param modlet The modlet to test.
     * @return {@code true}, if {@code modlet} is included based on property {@code modletIncludes}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code modlet} is {@code null}.
     * @see #getModletIncludes()
    public boolean isModletIncluded( final Modlet modlet )
File Line
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClassesTask.java 187
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClasspathTask.java 146
                    validationReport = tool.validateModelObjects( context, this.getClassesDirectory() );

                    if ( validationReport != null )
                        this.logValidationReport( context, validationReport );

                        if ( !validationReport.isModelValid() )
                            throw new ModelException( Messages.getMessage( "invalidModel", this.getModel() ) );

                suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
                throw new ModelException( Messages.getMessage( "invalidModel", this.getModel() ) );
        catch ( final IOException e )
            throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final JAXBException e )
            throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.logMessage( Level.SEVERE, Messages.getMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ValidateClassesTask clone()
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcTask.java 494
org/jomc/ant/types/TransformerResourceType.java 68

     * Gets the global transformation parameters to apply.
     * <p>
     * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make
     * to the returned list will be present inside the object. This is why there is no {@code set} method for the
     * transformation parameters property.
     * </p>
     * @return The global transformation parameters to apply.
     * @see #createTransformationParameter()
     * @see #getTransformer(org.jomc.ant.types.TransformerResourceType)
    public final List<KeyValueType> getTransformationParameters()
        if ( this.transformationParameters == null )
            this.transformationParameters = new LinkedList<KeyValueType>();

        return this.transformationParameters;

     * Creates a new {@code transformationParameter} element instance.
     * @return A new {@code transformationParameter} element instance.
     * @see #getTransformationParameters()
    public KeyValueType createTransformationParameter()
        final KeyValueType transformationParameter = new KeyValueType();
        this.getTransformationParameters().add( transformationParameter );
        return transformationParameter;

     * Gets the global transformation parameter resources to apply.
     * <p>
     * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make
     * to the returned list will be present inside the object. This is why there is no {@code set} method for the
     * transformation parameter resources property.
     * </p>
     * @return The global transformation parameter resources to apply.
     * @see #createTransformationParameterResource()
     * @see #getTransformer(org.jomc.ant.types.TransformerResourceType)
    public final List<PropertiesResourceType> getTransformationParameterResources()
        if ( this.transformationParameterResources == null )
            this.transformationParameterResources = new LinkedList<PropertiesResourceType>();

        return this.transformationParameterResources;

     * Creates a new {@code transformationParameterResource} element instance.
     * @return A new {@code transformationParameterResource} element instance.
     * @see #getTransformationParameterResources()
    public PropertiesResourceType createTransformationParameterResource()
        final PropertiesResourceType transformationParameterResource = new PropertiesResourceType();
        this.getTransformationParameterResources().add( transformationParameterResource );
        return transformationParameterResource;

     * Gets the global transformation output properties to apply.
     * <p>
     * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make
     * to the returned list will be present inside the object. This is why there is no {@code set} method for the
     * transformation output properties property.
     * </p>
     * @return The global transformation output properties to apply.
     * @see #createTransformationOutputProperty()
    public final List<KeyValueType> getTransformationOutputProperties()
        if ( this.transformationOutputProperties == null )
            this.transformationOutputProperties = new LinkedList<KeyValueType>();

        return this.transformationOutputProperties;

     * Creates a new {@code transformationOutputProperty} element instance.
     * @return A new {@code transformationOutputProperty} element instance.
     * @see #getTransformationOutputProperties()
    public KeyValueType createTransformationOutputProperty()
        final KeyValueType transformationOutputProperty = new KeyValueType();
        this.getTransformationOutputProperties().add( transformationOutputProperty );
        return transformationOutputProperty;
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcModelTask.java 356
org/jomc/ant/MergeModulesTask.java 463
                        modules.getModule().add( (Module) o );
                        this.log( Messages.getMessage( "unsupportedModuleResource", urls[i].toExternalForm() ),
                                  Project.MSG_WARN );


                    suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
                catch ( final SocketTimeoutException e )
                    String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                    message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceTimeout", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                    if ( resource.isOptional() )
                        this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                        throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
                catch ( final IOException e )
                    String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                    message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceFailure", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                    if ( resource.isOptional() )
                        this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                        throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
File Line
org/jomc/ant/Messages.java 43
org/jomc/ant/types/Messages.java 43
abstract class Messages

     * Constant for the name of the resource bundle backing the tasks.
    private static final String RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME =
        Messages.class.getPackage().getName().replace( '.', '/' ) + "/Messages";

     * Creates a new {@code Messages} instance.

     * Gets a message for a given key from the resource bundle backing the tasks formatted using the given arguments.
     * @param key The key of the string to get.
     * @param arguments The arguments to format the string with.
     * @return The string matching {@code key} formatted using {@code arguments}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code key} is {@code null}.
    static String getMessage( final String key, final Object... arguments )
        if ( key == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "key" );

            return MessageFormat.format( ResourceBundle.getBundle( RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME ).getString( key ), arguments );
        catch ( final MissingResourceException e )
            throw new AssertionError( e );
        catch ( final ClassCastException e )
            throw new AssertionError( e );
        catch ( final IllegalArgumentException e )
            throw new AssertionError( e );

     * Gets the message of a given {@code Throwable} recursively.
     * @param t The {@code Throwable} to get the message of or {@code null}.
     * @return The message of {@code t} or {@code null}.
    static String getMessage( final Throwable t )
        return t != null
                   ? t.getMessage() != null && t.getMessage().trim().length() > 0
                         ? t.getMessage()
                         : getMessage( t.getCause() )
                   : null;


File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcModelTask.java 361
org/jomc/ant/MergeModletsTask.java 510
                                  Project.MSG_WARN );


                    suppressExceptionOnClose = false;
                catch ( final SocketTimeoutException e )
                    String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                    message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceTimeout", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                    if ( resource.isOptional() )
                        this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                        throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
                catch ( final IOException e )
                    String message = Messages.getMessage( e );
                    message = Messages.getMessage( "resourceFailure", message != null ? " " + message : "" );

                    if ( resource.isOptional() )
                        this.getProject().log( message, e, Project.MSG_WARN );
                        throw new BuildException( message, e, this.getLocation() );
File Line
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClassesTask.java 121
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClasspathTask.java 80
            this.log( Messages.getMessage( "validatingModelObjects", this.getModel() ) );

            classLoader = this.newProjectClassLoader();
            final ModelContext context = this.newModelContext( classLoader );
            final ClassFileProcessor tool = this.newClassFileProcessor();
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( this.getModel() );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
            ModelValidationReport validationReport = context.validateModel( this.getModel(), source );

            this.logValidationReport( context, validationReport );
            tool.setModel( model );

            if ( validationReport.isModelValid() )
                final Specification s = this.getSpecification( model );
                final Implementation i = this.getImplementation( model );
                final Module m = this.getModule( model );

                if ( s != null )
                    validationReport = tool.validateModelObjects( s, context, this.getClassesDirectory() );
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcTask.java 1678
org/jomc/ant/types/TransformerResourceType.java 188
            if ( this.transformationParameters != null )
                clone.transformationParameters =
                    new ArrayList<KeyValueType>( this.transformationParameters.size() );

                for ( final KeyValueType e : this.transformationParameters )
                    clone.transformationParameters.add( e.clone() );

            if ( this.transformationParameterResources != null )
                clone.transformationParameterResources =
                    new ArrayList<PropertiesResourceType>( this.transformationParameterResources.size() );

                for ( final PropertiesResourceType e : this.transformationParameterResources )
                    clone.transformationParameterResources.add( e.clone() );

            if ( this.transformationOutputProperties != null )
                clone.transformationOutputProperties =
                    new ArrayList<KeyValueType>( this.transformationOutputProperties.size() );

                for ( final KeyValueType e : this.transformationOutputProperties )
                    clone.transformationOutputProperties.add( e.clone() );

            return clone;
File Line
org/jomc/ant/MergeModletsTask.java 472
org/jomc/ant/MergeModulesTask.java 429
                                                                       resource.getLocation() ) );


                for ( int i = urls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                    InputStream in = null;
                    suppressExceptionOnClose = true;

                        this.logMessage( Level.FINEST, Messages.getMessage( "reading", urls[i].toExternalForm() ) );

                        final URLConnection con = urls[i].openConnection();
                        con.setConnectTimeout( resource.getConnectTimeout() );
                        con.setReadTimeout( resource.getReadTimeout() );
                        in = con.getInputStream();

                        final Source source = new StreamSource( in, urls[i].toURI().toASCIIString() );
                        Object o = unmarshaller.unmarshal( source );
                        if ( o instanceof JAXBElement<?> )
                            o = ( (JAXBElement<?>) o ).getValue();

                        if ( o instanceof Modlet )
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcTask.java 1118
org/jomc/ant/JomcTask.java 1234
            if ( resource.isOptional() )
                this.getProject().log( Messages.getMessage( "resourceFailure", message != null ? " " + message : "" ),
                                       e, Project.MSG_WARN );

                throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( "resourceFailure", message != null ? " " + message : "" ),
                                          e, this.getLocation() );

                if ( in != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.logMessage( Level.SEVERE, Messages.getMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );

        return null;
File Line
org/jomc/ant/CommitClassesTask.java 257
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClassesTask.java 211
org/jomc/ant/ValidateClasspathTask.java 170
        catch ( final TransformerConfigurationException e )
            throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
        catch ( final ModelException e )
            throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );
                if ( classLoader != null )
            catch ( final IOException e )
                if ( suppressExceptionOnClose )
                    this.logMessage( Level.SEVERE, Messages.getMessage( e ), e );
                    throw new ClassProcessingException( Messages.getMessage( e ), e, this.getLocation() );

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public CommitClassesTask clone()
File Line
org/jomc/ant/GenerateResourcesTask.java 125
org/jomc/ant/ManageSourcesTask.java 125
            final ResourceFileProcessor tool = this.newResourceFileProcessor();
            final JAXBContext jaxbContext = context.createContext( this.getModel() );
            final Model model = this.getModel( context );
            final Source source = new JAXBSource( jaxbContext, new ObjectFactory().createModel( model ) );
            final ModelValidationReport validationReport = context.validateModel( this.getModel(), source );

            this.logValidationReport( context, validationReport );
            tool.setModel( model );

            if ( validationReport.isModelValid() )
                final Specification s = this.getSpecification( model );
                final Implementation i = this.getImplementation( model );
                final Module m = this.getModule( model );

                if ( s != null )
                    tool.writeResourceBundleResourceFiles( s, this.getResourcesDirectory() );
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcModelTask.java 302
org/jomc/ant/MergeModulesTask.java 413
        for ( final ResourceType resource : this.getModuleResources() )
            final URL[] urls = this.getResources( context, resource.getLocation() );

            if ( urls.length == 0 )
                if ( resource.isOptional() )
                    this.logMessage( Level.WARNING, Messages.getMessage( "moduleResourceNotFound",
                                                                         resource.getLocation() ) );

                    throw new BuildException( Messages.getMessage( "moduleResourceNotFound", resource.getLocation() ),
                                              this.getLocation() );


            for ( int i = urls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                InputStream in = null;
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcToolTask.java 455
org/jomc/ant/WriteModelTask.java 292
    public final Specification getSpecification( final Model model )
        if ( model == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "model" );

        Specification s = null;

        if ( this.getSpecification() != null )
            final Modules modules = ModelHelper.getModules( model );

            if ( modules != null )
                s = modules.getSpecification( this.getSpecification() );

            if ( s == null )
                this.log( Messages.getMessage( "specificationNotFound", this.getSpecification() ), Project.MSG_WARN );

        return s;

     * Gets the identifier of an implementation to process.
     * @return The identifier of an implementation to process or {@code null}.
     * @see #setImplementation(java.lang.String)
    public final String getImplementation()
File Line
org/jomc/ant/JomcToolTask.java 579
org/jomc/ant/WriteModelTask.java 416
    public final Module getModule( final Model model )
        if ( model == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "model" );

        Module m = null;

        if ( this.getModule() != null )
            final Modules modules = ModelHelper.getModules( model );

            if ( modules != null )
                m = modules.getModule( this.getModule() );

            if ( m == null )
                this.log( Messages.getMessage( "moduleNotFound", this.getModule() ), Project.MSG_WARN );

        return m;